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Opening prayer - Creator God
Opening prayer - Creator God
by John Birch
Opening prayer image for a service Creator God you have blessed us in the dawning of this new day... Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 2000 x 1500 pixels and 589KB The ideal way to insert into PowerPoi
Opening prayer - God of love
Opening prayer - God of love
by John Birch
An opening prayer image for a service God of love, you who hold this world within your loving hands, be with us in our worship. Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 2000 x 1500 pixels and 1MB The ideal wa
Meditation - Sunday Before Advent Year C
Meditation - Sunday Before Advent Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – Sunday before Advent Year C What is truth? John 18: 33-37 Revelation 1: 4b-8 God of Grace, Moving heaven and earth For love of a fallen race... Created by David Middleton on behalf of LWPT (Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust) for more information click here.
Poem: Rules, or freedom
Poem: Rules, or freedom
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Rules, or freedom Rules are tools to keep the unruly in line – or that’s the idea, at least. Rules are restrictive, inactive, inflexible and incapable of making allowances – that’s the idea of most of them. Rules are meant to make fools of those who disobey and in that way
Prayer: God of mercy and grace
Prayer: God of mercy and grace
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God of mercy and grace God of mercy and grace, we know that we can come to you each morning to bring our requests and our prayers to lay them before you. We are astounded at your great mercy, for we know how your standards for our behaviour are so high and yet you are pre
Prayer: Gracious God
Prayer: Gracious God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Gracious God Gracious God, we know that we can come to you at any time, but we especially need your help in times of suffering, or trouble. So we come to you today to bring our prayers and thoughts for all those who are troubled, or who are suffering – (reflect on current
GOD's rich Pattern - A new way of communicating
GOD's rich Pattern - A new way of communicating
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
A new way of communicating The media attention that I have just mentioned took me to places of which I would never have dreamt. A friend, who had multiple sclerosis, ran a regional branch of the Muriel Braddick Foundation. This provided taped music, Christian thought and personal
New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - The Character Of Love
New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - The Character Of Love
by SPCK - N T Wright
3 THE GREAEST OF THE VIRTUES THE CHARACTER OF LOVE 1 Corinthians 13: 1-7 When people say, as they sometimes do, that Paul must have been a very difficult person to have around – that he seems to have been awkward, cantankerous, argumentative, and generally an unpleasant character
Reflection/poem: Questioning the Psalm
Reflection/poem: Questioning the Psalm
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/poem: Questioning the Psalm If God’s law is so loveable, why do so many people find it impossible to live by it? If God’s law gives the power to defeat the enemy, why do so many people suffer for their beliefs? If God’s law grants superior knowledge, why do so many peo
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - A son introducing his father
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - A son introducing his father
by SPCK - Frank C Laubach
A son introducing his father Why read a diary kept by a man who lived three-quarters of a century ago? Because it is a diary of a man’s walk with God. That man—Frank C. Laubach, my father— kept this diary at a time when his life was at its most discouraging depth...
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 64:6-7, 10
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 64:6-7, 10
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 64:6-7, 10 The fate of the enemy in the psalms is an inescapable motif and a problem for many. The origin of evil and sin has perplexed the human mind since the days of Adam and Eve. The sad truth is that, whatever the cause, the human heart can secretly harbour in its dept
Meditation - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time